Friday, May 25, 2018

Turn Up The Base On Your Brilliance

Every time a child is born, the world inherits another body of brilliance. We enter this world excited about the possibilities and the opportunities that life has to offer. Not afraid to take risks or speak our truth. But somewhere between taking your first step and yesterday, someone told you, you weren’t good enough. But here’s what being told “you’re not good enough” looks like. Bill Gates first business failed. Albert Einstein didn’t talk until he was 4. Jim Carrey was homeless. Stephen King’s first novel was rejected thirty times. Oprah was fired from her news anchor job. Michael Jordan was cut from the Varsity team in high school. Jay-Z couldn’t get a record deal anywhere and Vincent van Gogh only sold one painting in his lifetime. And you’re worried about Peggy from Accounting or the dude with commitment issues telling you that YOU are not good enough. Stop listening to the scarecrows. You know the people without a brain, who refuse to see your greatness.

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